Thursday, June 08, 2006

Diary of Irish Racism

Diary of Irish Racism

'You would have to be blind not to see examples of racism on our streets every day.'Fionnuala Kilfeather (CEO,National Parents' Council) - June 30th, 2000, The Irish Examiner

'We need to get away from the idea that racism is caused by incoming populations. Incoming people do not cause racism. It exists already in the preconceived ideas of the majority community.'Ronit Lentin, (Co-ordinator of Ethnic and Racial Studies, Trinity College, Dublin). The Irish Times, December 15th, 1999.

This web link is an attempt to admit the sin of racism without generalizing it to every individual. It helps to work on a cure for it.The Site hasn't been updated for a while but it has good account of cases of racism in Ireland.

1 comment:

Dr Abdelhaleem Bella said...

This diary reflect a small number of cases and was not meant to accuse all the nation of informs and enlightens everybody to the potential of the problem to expand and affect bigger groups.