Tuesday, June 20, 2006

How "Natural " can a foreigner get? (1)

When a foreigner lands in Ireland and decides to stay ,he or she is supposed to go through a” Naturalization" process. I will look at this from a personal perspective in my future posts.

Naturalization: (From www.Answers.com)
The noun naturalization has 4 meanings:
1: the quality of being brought into conformity with nature
2: the proceeding whereby a foreigner is granted citizenship
3: the introduction of animals or plants to places where they flourish but are not indigenous
4: changing the pronunciation of a borrowed word to agree with the borrowers’ phonology

Whereas Wikipedia has more interesting information here

• Denaturalization:
Philosopher Giorgio Agamben, who wrote Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power or Bare Life (1998), underlined the various denaturalization laws passed after World War I by most European countries:"It is important to note that starting with the period of World War I, many European states began to introduce laws which permitted their own citizens to be denaturalized and denationalized. The first was France, in 1915, with regard to naturalized citizens of "enemy" origins; in 1922 the example was followed by Belgium, which revoked the naturalization of citizens who had committed "anti-national" acts during the war; in 1926 the Fascist regime in Italy passed a similar law concerning citizens who had shown themselves to be "unworthy of Italian citizenship"; in 1933 it was Austria's turn, and so forth, until in 1935 the Nuremberg Laws divided German citizens into full citizens and citizens without political rights. These laws - and the mass statelessness that resulted - mark a decisive turning point in the life of the modern nation-state and its definitive emancipation from the naive notions of "people" and "citizen."

Citizenize : (I is an interesting verb it looks like it has been replaced by naturalize although it is more accurate.See coming post)

v.b;To make a citizen; to admit to the rights and privileges of a citizen.
citizenize was used and explained by Senator Young, of Illinois, in the Senate on February 1, 1841, and he gave Noah Webster as authority for it

• Decetizenize:
We have no law -- as the French have -- to decitizenize a citizen. --Edw. Bates

Found in 4 dictionaries
1. Dictionary.com
2. Online Plain Text English Dictionary
3. Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition
4. AllWords.com Multi-Lingual Dictionary

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